vrijdag 4 januari 2013

YJ Review: S1E2- Fireworks

Season: 1
Episode: 2
Title: Fireworks
What are the most important things that happen in this episode?
  • The boys are captured by cadmus
  • Superboy helps them escape
  • Project blockbuster --> people change in monsters
  • The genomorphs love Superboy (or they kinda need him)
  • The boys get their own team
  • And Miss Martian joined them

Favorite charater in this episode:
Superboy and Aqualad 
I love how they become friends almost right away
Most weird thing that happend this episode:
Project blockbuster 
It's kinda creepy how that men rips out of his skin
What was suprising:
How the boys tell the league that they are a team.
Rate: 10/10
The Light and the professor
The boys in pods (exept superboy)
More pods
I love this shot, don't know why
Genomorphs attack
 Project Blockbuster
The creep I was talking about and his skin
 The boys 
I love how there is a bid cadmus sign behind them
Superboy looking at the moon for the first time
Isn't he just adorable?
 Superman and Superboy
I know superboy is a clone, but damn they look alike 
 Mount Justice
I love mount justice <3
 The superhero's and "side-kicks" 
I love how the "side-kicks" are in their normal clothes
Introduction of Miss Martian
 I really like Megan so happy she is here already
 Miss Martian loving Superboy's t-shirt
The light is worried about the boys 

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