zondag 6 januari 2013

YJ Review: S1E3- Welcome to Happy Harbor

Season: 1
Episode: 3
Title: Welcome to Happy Harbor
What are the most important things that happen in this episode?
  • Robin, Kid Flash and Aqua Lad ask Speedy to join the new team
  • Megan speaks to everybody's minds for the first time (everyone is scared)
  • Megan shows everyone the bioship
  • They go on their first mission to Happy Harbor
  • Megan makes a mistake and the team is mad at her
  • In the end they defeat the enemy with Megan's help

Favorite character in this episode:
Megan because she tries so hard to be a good team member
Most weird thing that happend in this episode:
The men in the Robot was a robot too.
What was suprising:
Superboy being such a pain.
Rate: 7/10

 He looks mad, like always
 Speedy refuses to join the team
See he's mad once again
 They don't understand why speedy won't join them
I find it kinda sad that speedy doesn't join them.
 Superboy looking at Megan
Yes <3
 Robin and Megan
It's funny that even when he is not "robin", they still call him Robin
Megan and her burned cookies
 Everyone is mad because Megan was trying to read their minds
 In the Bioship
I like how wally looks at Megan, it's cute
 That's not Robin, but Megan shapeshifting as Robin
I like it, she looks good as robin
 Megan as Wally
Less nice then Robin
 Megan is searching for Robin
She looks kinda weird. Look Superboy is watching her
 Here Robin is mad
Don't mess with him
 Wally and the bad guy
The bad guy is a robot
 Kaldur and a motor of a boat
He looks so mad 
 Wally and Robin
With his belt
 Superboy is mad
Megan is talking in his mind
 Megan fooled the bad guy
I kinda find this scary
Robin is mad because Megan killed the bad guy
The bad guy was a robot too
Superboy saying sorry to Megan
He looks cute 
The bad guy
Very normal...

vrijdag 4 januari 2013

YJ Review: S1E2- Fireworks

Season: 1
Episode: 2
Title: Fireworks
What are the most important things that happen in this episode?
  • The boys are captured by cadmus
  • Superboy helps them escape
  • Project blockbuster --> people change in monsters
  • The genomorphs love Superboy (or they kinda need him)
  • The boys get their own team
  • And Miss Martian joined them

Favorite charater in this episode:
Superboy and Aqualad 
I love how they become friends almost right away
Most weird thing that happend this episode:
Project blockbuster 
It's kinda creepy how that men rips out of his skin
What was suprising:
How the boys tell the league that they are a team.
Rate: 10/10
The Light and the professor
The boys in pods (exept superboy)
More pods
I love this shot, don't know why
Genomorphs attack
 Project Blockbuster
The creep I was talking about and his skin
 The boys 
I love how there is a bid cadmus sign behind them
Superboy looking at the moon for the first time
Isn't he just adorable?
 Superman and Superboy
I know superboy is a clone, but damn they look alike 
 Mount Justice
I love mount justice <3
 The superhero's and "side-kicks" 
I love how the "side-kicks" are in their normal clothes
Introduction of Miss Martian
 I really like Megan so happy she is here already
 Miss Martian loving Superboy's t-shirt
The light is worried about the boys 

YJ Review: S1E1- Independence day

Season: 1
Title: Independence day
What are the most important things that happen in this episode?
  • the "Side-kicks" visit the Hall of Justice for the first time
  • Speedy leaves the league 
  • Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad go on their first mission as a team
  • They find Superboy

Favorite character in this episode:
Robin. I really like his first part in this episode and I love it when you hear his laugh and you know he is up to something.
Most weird thing that happend in this episode:
All the genomorphs in cadmus and Superboy attacking.
What was suprising:
The league not trusting their own side-kicks (or it seems like this)
Rate: 8/10
Introduction scene of Robin 
Look at that smile
Introduction shot of Speedy (and green arrow)
 I like his hat 
Introduction shot of Aqualad 
Snow snow snow
Introduction shot of Kid Flash
 Just look at his arms, he is running so fast
The first shot of the hall of justice 
and Robin
Most of the Hero's and their side-kicks
although we can't call them side-kicks
Superman and Zatana calling for help
I like superman (for now)
First shot of cadmus
 But not the full cadmus....
someone made him very pissed
Robin hacking the computers
 Those faces 
 He is a good guy, but that genomorph...
Superboy's first appearance
 I love superboy
 The boys' reaction to superboy
Shock, total shock
Fighting scene
I kinda like how Robin is blinding superboy